Silver Reflections

I jumped in the car today, turned on the radio, and – imagine that! – they were talking about the decision to color or to go gray! I will have to go back and listen to the program.

Without further ado, a stroll down memory lane.

Back when I only had the vaguest idea what a “blog” was, and for some reason thought they were only for “other” people, my sister, a writer, had a personal blog. But years before that even, she had encouraged me to start an email newsletter containing my “what to wear” ideas. She sports stylish silver hair.

Browse related books.

Consider this post hi-jacked.

Once upon a time, there was a frugal princess with prematurely gray hair. Illustrating the truth that one’s personal perception of the physical self can be quite different from what others see, FP was quite mystified when people called her things like “earthy”.

When her blonde was of a more strawberry than arctic tint (because she was worth it!), our heroine got a gig as a model. A hair model, to be precise. Thinking maybe she’d hit the big-time, what she ended up with was nothing less than a stellar haircut. For free. Ideal for her hair type and style idiom, the long layers proved to be the up and coming thing. Frugal Princess was looking very stylish indeed!

Fast forward. In the busyness of modern life, root touch-ups begin to get old. The style stays the same but, after a period of painful grow-out, the color is all natural. For some odd reason, though, long gray hair is just long gray hair, stylish layers or no.

Then the ultimate humiliation: Frugal Princess is ignored at Nordstrom.

In an unlikely turn of events, FP finds herself suddenly once again the accidental recipient of a cutting-edge haircut, this time a chin-length graduated bob. It works. In combination with stylish little glasses, she strolls into Nordstrom, t.b.d.icon no less, and strikes up a lengthy conversation with the most helpful saleslady, who proceeds to point out just what pads of carpet to stay off to avoid the old lady departments.

Preparing to leave, our once-again stylish princess sees a friend she hasn’t seen for quite awhile and proceeds to share her delight in being able to get waited on in Nordstrom. To which friend replies, “well, with your hair long, you just looked like a hippie chick”.

The moral of this story: ???

3 thoughts on “Silver Reflections”

  1. Hey – hippie chicks can have money to spend too! I think it’s rather rude that no one waited on her just ’cause she didn’t fit their rich lady “look”. Perhaps she could sue for…classism. Or something. 😀

    The moral of the story, unfortunately, is that most people aren’t used to seeing long grey hair unless it’s on a “hippie chick”. To which I say: Phooey.

  2. The moral of the story? The FP should be thankful people think she’s just a hippie chick. She could have a half dollar sized silver patch in her gorgeous dark tresses and be confused for the Bride of Frankenstein like a certain reader I know…

    And people think only balding men do the comb over thing… I’m gonna do the beehive thing one of these days. I mean it, I am. Just because.

    The Bride

  3. ROFL!!!

    What else can I say? There are way worse things to be mistaken for than a “hippie chick”. And yes, even “hippie chicks” have to get dressed. 🙂

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