Find Your Colors

Friday I’m heading out to the park with the ladies. If anyone were so inclined, it would be a lovely day for personal color identification.

Here’s the project: Go outside and have a friend identify every color present in your personal coloring. Name them according to my mental color wheel (two variations of each hue: orange-red and purple-red, blue-green and yellow-green, and so on).

  • Eyes contain multiple colors. Look at the iris, the ring that rims the iris, any flecks, and the white.
  • Hair, either natural or enhanced, often has a wide range of colors. Remember to check the nape and also eyebrows. And what impression do the colors give all together?
  • In identifying the colors in your skin look for reds, oranges, purples, whites, browns, and possibly yellows or blacks; all very subtle, of course.

Here’s the application: My favorite post on the topic of color.

7 thoughts on “Find Your Colors”

  1. Hello! Hope to see you at the park tomorrow. 🙂

    I was just wondering if you’ve always been so intentional with your style and fashion choices. I wish that I put more thought into what I wear, but with 2 little kids I usually find myself getting dressed at the last minute, wearing whatever is clean ( and sometimes things that are mostly clean :). Is there hope that as the girls get older and more self-sufficient I’ll be able to devote some time and thought into clothes? When your girls were little were you as into fashion as you are now?

  2. Hello! Hope to see you at the park tomorrow. 🙂

    I was just wondering if you’ve always been so intentional with your style and fashion choices. I wish that I put more thought into what I wear, but with 2 little kids I usually find myself getting dressed at the last minute, wearing whatever is clean ( and sometimes things that are mostly clean :). Is there hope that as the girls get older and more self-sufficient I’ll be able to devote some time and thought into clothes? When your girls were little were you as into fashion as you are now?

  3. That’s SO funny! I started reading the second posting by Lori and thought it was Rebecca sending it back. Then I realized I could have written it myself ## years ago.

    Wish I could see you all at the park tomorrow. 🙂

  4. Hi Lori! I hope to see you tomorrow too. Honestly, without kids, it’s difficult for me to motivate myself to go to the park. I mean, when was the last time you saw a middle-aged lady show up at the park by herself? Too bad you don’t live next door, I’d just go with you. 🙂

    btw, nobody is living next door now and the grass is about knee-high.

    Anyway, about your question. When my girls were the ages of yours and my boys were in elementary school, I was just coming off a fashion/retail career. I had loads of nice suits and little else. I had discovered the need for a better casual outfit, but I never had more than one. And I didn’t have near enough “gardening & dog-walking clothes”. I remember desparing that one day I would be out puttering in the yard in one of my suits because nothing else was clean. lol

    Gradually I settled into a simple “what to wear” pattern: long-sleeved tee shirt and jeans in the cool months, short-sleeved tee shirt and (short-sleeved) jeans in the warm months. The weather was alot simpler there.

    My girls were in mid to late elementary school when we began studying The Triumph of Individual Style with our homeschool group. Giving the ladies the tools at that age to present themselves creatively and harmoniously was, I believe, the key to their modesty. So, it’s something you and your daughters can grow in together. But seriously, you always look fine.

    Part of the pay-off of being very intentional about my wardrobe is that whatever is clean will generally work with whatever else is clean. And look good on me!

  5. Pingback: The Space Between My Peers » Modesty in Living Color

  6. The link to your favorite post on the topic of color does not work. Might you correct it?

    Must drag myself away from your fascinating blog to do some work!

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