My Big Fat Handbag Post

Jennifer at Snapshot needs a new purse. Handbags. Can’t live with them and can’t live without them. (Well, if you’re toting a diaper bag, like Jenna is, you can live without them.)

Wendy to the rescue! She has put up a wonderfully thorough post covering her thoughts about bags. Since the question concerned trends, here are my thoughts about a few of the fashion trends Wendy called out:

  • Huge bags: I agree that the size of the handbag should be in scale with apparent body size. It turns out, according to this post at Kiss Me Stace, there are physical risks to be concerned with. (Designer Ella also has a whole blog devoted to bags, if you want to peruse.)
  • Clutches: While they certainly look darling, I want to be able to use my hand for something other than holding my purse, which makes a strap like Karen described (wide strap that is the perfect length for slinging over the shoulder and fitting in at your waist) ideal.
  • wilsons-leather-bronze-metallic-bag-with-black-leather-coat.jpg
  • Conventional wisdom dictates a neutral purse, but I agree that a purse as splash of colour is at least as functional and alot more fun. I lump the soft metallic leathers in this category — an accent. I also agree about not going too light; in reality, no pink for me.
  • Most of the people who responded to my handbag question were not in favor of the little pockets on the outside of the bag. But I sort of wish I had one for my cell phone and one for my keys. It’s a personal thing.
  • One more thing to avoid: the new clear bag. Just say no!

One other thing: my daughters have done very well with fabric bags. What I would studiously avoid, though, is vinyl. The straps just break.

Right now, Wilsons Leather, where I bought my everyday purse, has alot of bags on sale for $29. It’s definitely worth looking!

Update, January 25: Designer Ella is running a “What’s in Your Clear Bag?” contest. Check it out at Pursed Lips.

21 thoughts on “My Big Fat Handbag Post”

  1. Although a diaper bag has become my “handbag” of necessity (not necessarily choice!), I was reminded today that I need a good handbag for when I go places sans baby. You know, it’s not ideal to lay in bed at night and wonder what you are going to carry your wallet in to the hair salon because the diaper bag will be staying with baby and Grandma.

    I needed to hear that bit about choosing a bag that is in scale with the apparent body size. I’m bad about that! And I whole-heartedly agree about the clear bags! Ick!

  2. That’s a good point I hadn’t really thought of, that your diaper bag may not always go with you. I was also wondering if a mom got one of those giant handbags if it would work to carry as a diaper bag, and then put another purse inside of it, with all mom’s personal stuff in it.

    Then I have friends who just tuck their credit card in their back pocket and go everywhere without a purse at all!

  3. Rebecca, thanks very much for the kind shout out!

    Agreed — avoid clear plastic bags like The Plague or something worse than The Plague!

    On clutches … another option is the wristlet, but some clutches (like many evening bags) have a hidden strap option there if you need it.

    A bag is probably lightest in perceived weight when it is a shoulder bag that tucks in as close as possible to your underarm — higher than the one in the picture. So it’s nice to look for one with an adjustable strap. Especially if winter coats add bulk.

  4. Rebecca Stuhlmiller

    Okay — my two cents. A friend recently mentioned a backpack made by Birkenstock that is expensive but holds a boatload of stuff. I couldn’t believe she was serious, but she was. Me? Wallet, pen, mints, lipgloss, hmmmmm….that’s about it. Oh, and cell phone.

    Mine is zip open to one big pocket. It’s black, top-stitched and is the only one I have.

    Okay — was that interesting? ;0)

  5. Wendy ~ That is a good point about having the bag tuck in close. I think I told you that is how I knew the one I got was for me, it fits right in my waist (even though it looks at least medium size sitting there on the table).

    Thanks again for putting up that post!

    Rebecca ~ Welcome! It is always a highlight when a person I know in-person shows up here and actually comments.

    Backpacks, unfortunately, are out. If they weren’t, I promise that is what I would be carrying. It’s probably okay for a young mom in place of a diaper bag, though. And I don’t think it’s necessary to be legalistic about what’s in and what’s out. I’m just more comfortable not standing out on the basis of being out of style.

    Hey, local MOPS people — anybody willing to de-lurk and say “hi” to Rebecca ?

  6. Hey, this is incredibly timely for me! I’m looking for a nice brown leather purse, something largish and classic. I’m going to go all through these links and see if I can find one that’s perfect!

  7. Thanks Rebecca! Awesome. I have a friend who is a bag freak, and while she can’t tell me what will work for me, she has agreed to go shopping with me, which will be helpful. I’m going to see if there’s a Wilson’s Leather where we are going. If not, I know where one is, so I will check it out. . . .

    I think that blogger is acting up, so I can’t get Wendy’s site to load, but I will check again. Thanks again!!

  8. I’d love to travel as light as Rebecca S! I add to her list some meds, powder or blotting papers, a couple of bandaids, a couple of feminine products, kleenex, tiny container of purelle (I am sensitive to scents so soap in public restrooms is a problem for me), a couple of candies (I have some diabetic friends), cloth for cleaning my glasses. But my wallet is as small as they come, and my keys are attached to it …

  9. Jenna-when I was still in the diaperbag phase I had a very small purse (but which still had a shoulder strap) that just fit my wallet, keys and cell phone. I kept all those things in it and then kept that bag INSIDE my diaper bag. dual purpose. #1, it kept those things corralled so I wasn’t hunting all through my diaper bag for them and #2 if for some reason I didn’t need to bring my whole diaper bag with me I could just grab the little purse out of it. The shoulder strap was key though because I frequently still needed my hands free to carry things. Mine was just plain and black.

  10. (And we also have an abundance of Jen’s around here: Jennifer, Jenn, and Jenna, just on this post!)

    I agree with Jenn’s advice for Jenna. And Jennifer, I think that’s fabulous that your friend will be shopping with you. It’s kind of like insurance. What you end up will be stylish and will work for you. Because you are just too sensible to get something that doesn’t.

    Wendy, I know what you mean. My challenge is that I carry prescription sunglasses. They have to go on top or they’ll get squished, even though I have a sturdy case for them.

  11. Thanks for the shout out, Rebecca!

    Flylady helped me streamline my purse. I carry wallet, glasses case, keys, cell phone, pocket calendar, and tiny bag with chapstick, lollipop, and a “neccessary.” It’s freeing not to be weighed down, literally, by your purse.

  12. I can see I need to take another look at Flylady. This is the second time in a few days that she has come up, just in casual conversation. (At least that is what I consider this, casual conversation.)

  13. Hmm, this actually makes me want one – or perhaps it’s that photo of the particular Oscar bag! Preety.

    I’m actually having a contest right now to see who’s the bravest at flaunting what’s in her purse (with photos) that relates to this. You could win new goodies to put in your favorite bag! Check it out at my link.

  14. Want a clear bag? Well, the ones you pictured were quite pretty, even though I still think it’s not a good idea. I don’t know, maybe to put your beach towel in or something … 🙂

  15. I have a collection of handbags from before the kids. And, I rarely use any of them now. Rather, I have 4 great leather backpacks that are truly amazing looking and I wear them all the time. One in black, brown, red and cognac. All the exact same! (Hobo International!). They were expensive, but I have used them for almost 6 years now very regularly and have gotten every penny out of them. With an infant to carry, it is just easier to have my hands free!!

  16. Elleabelle ~ And much nicer looking than many diaper bags, although they are getting cuter.

    Me, I just can’t stand changing purses, so I just pick one. Or two, I will change seasonally. I still don’t know what I will be carrying this summer, but it will probably not be the brown/deep plum leather bag I am carrying now. Although dark brown is my summer accent color …

  17. Agreed with the importance of scale when determining what handbag to purchase. When accesorizing with an outfit, if the handbag is ridicuously oversized, then the image is completely ruined.
    Little pockets outside of the bag are convenient for things like ipods, but should only be considered as an option when necessary, when a utility purpose is served.

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