The Theory of Homophily

Are you a homophiliac?

Homophily theory predicts that people are more likely to interact with individuals similar to themselves in respect to a variety of qualities and characteristics (McPherson, Smith-Lovin, & Cook, 2001; Monge & Contractor, 2003). In particular, extensive research has been done to investigate how homophily in age, gender, race, education, occupation, and values, for instance, influences the formation of network ties in communities, voluntary organizations, private businesses, etc. (see McPherson, et al., 2001 for a comprehensive review). Overall, the theory has received widespread support in diverse contexts.

Yuan, Y. C., and Gay, G. (2006). Homophily of network ties and bonding and bridging social capital in computer-mediated distributed teams. Journal of Computer-Mediated Communication, 11(4), article 9. 

In other words, people really do like similar others more.

By whom do you wish to be liked?  And what do they wear?

3 thoughts on “The Theory of Homophily”

  1. Definitely thought-provoking …

    I realized last night, as I was contemplating this topic, that my dislike of cliques extends to the point of resisting being drawn into one; which is probably the reason I don’t have a specific group of friends. duh! lol But, other than that, I suppose I am as homophilious (?) as anyone else. 😉

  2. I don’t like cliques either – been left out of too many – so I go out of my way to make sure to include others. That being said, when I think about my “closest” friends at church (we have a GREAT young marrieds Sunday School where everyone really gets along) two people come to mind. One girl is very different from me, but we are both “what you see is what you get” kind of people and we don’t judge each others differences in opinion, child rearing, etc. The other girl and I have very similar values, etc (and the same birthday to boot), but what has drawn us together is our love of crafty kinds of things.

    To answer your questions – still pulling from my church group because that’s really my biggest social group – the first girl that popped into my mind dresses super-cute. She’s very “JCrew” and always, always put together and I really adore her style. Funny thing is, I do want her to like me! (Good thing she does!) And we have similar taste in clothes… Interesting study.

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