The Elements of Hair Style

Recently, when I was reading In the Dressing Room with Brenda: A Fun and Practical Guide to Buying Smart and Looking Great, suddenly yet another element of hair style began to make sense to me.

Hairstyle should be used to create proportional harmony between the length of the head and the width of the shoulders.

The harmonious ratio we are looking for is 1 to 2, in this case.   If, like me, your shoulder width is not quite twice the length of your head, I suggest keeping the length of the hair above the shoulders (I will be asking for a little shorter when I go in later this week for my haircut).  Conversely, broader shoulders relative to head length would look appropriate with longer hair, bisecting the shoulder line.

In addition, the proportional ratio of head to total body length is 1 to 8.  There are two ways to visually effect this proportion using hair styling techniques:

  • shorten the apparent head length by wearing bangs
  • add to the apparent head length by adding volume to the top of the hair style


Why is it that a hair style can look chic on one person and matronly on another?  I propose personality.

Today, on the radio, I heard about a kids game based on the DISC model.  It’s called Kids Flag Page, and it helps families discover childrens’ native “countries”:  Control, Perfect, Peace or Fun.  Allow me to borrow that concept and apply it to hairstyles for a moment:

  • If you are a Control person – that is, an active, in-charge type – you might wear edgy, textured, or chunky hair well.
  • If you are a Perfecter, every hair should be in place.
  • A Peace person needs soft, blended hair.
  • The native of Fun country may want flippy, almost messy, hair.


The hairstylist’s biggest complaint is women who come in with a picture of a style which will not work with the texture of their hair.  An example of that with my hair would be a blunt bob:  there is no power on earth, that doesn’t smell like hairspray, that would make my hair turn uniformly under.

Explaining how to choose a hair style based on your hair texture is beyond the scope of this particular post.  Your hair professional should be able to provide you with the guidance you need.

Facial Particulars

Another element of hair style which I am unable to cover here is how to make your hair style perfect for your face shape and features.  Unfortunately, it seems that most hair professionals are completely clueless about this as well.

Perhaps the internet has answers?

3 thoughts on “The Elements of Hair Style”

  1. I’m so glad you like to think/worry over all these details *for* us. 😀
    What about if my shoulders are 16 and my head 8? How I’ve been wearing my
    shoulder length hair lately is in a messy updo with some bangs. Sometimes
    with it half up and half down, too.

    That 4 category system is a lot like the Dressing Your Truth concept. I think I’m
    a 3 – Control – who wants to be a 1 – Fun. I want someone else to take control
    of everything so I can have fun! Maybe it’s Let’s Get Things Under Control (Done
    Enough) So There’s More Time for Fun/Indulgence.

    I got excited when you included the word “messy” with
    the description of Fun hairstyles. I feel my best when my hair is messy or
    will move or blow in the wind. My updo’s are messy with some strands/ringlets
    encouraged to fall out.

  2. Yep. Shoulders 16 and head 8 is perfectly balanced naturally. 🙂 Sounds like what you’ve been doing is simultaneously adding and subtracting height from the head. Why not?

    I think all those 4 category systems, at some level, go back to Hippocrates. And I think it’s perfectly normal to desire a blend. After all, it’s not like there are really only 4 types of people in the world!

    Sounds like you have already figured out the perfect hairstyle(s) for yourself. But it’s nice to understand some of the reasons, isn’t it? 😉

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