Blogging is Bad for My Health

It’s been a long time coming, but this week I have had to face facts:  I cannot physically work on the computer for any significant length of time. My neck is messed up, my shoulder is messed up, my back is messed up. While massage, chiropractic, ice, and rest have been improving those areas to a degree, it has not been enough improvement that I can return to significant computer work. Five minutes on the desktop is too much, and now the laptop is beginning to bother me as well.

So what occurred that necessitated my facing facts this week?  Well, during my regularly scheduled monthly chiropractor appointment, I mentioned that my wrist had been bothering me.  Sure enough, it need adjustment!  When I mentioned that I didn’t think I had been on the computer that much (especially compared to the hero, a CAD producer, who is on the computer all day at work), Doc said, “everybody’s different”.  I knew then that I need to learn to severely control my computer time.

Like I said, this has been a long time coming, but my hope is this:  when I admit the truth, somehow I will be able to then devise a good solution.  Ignoring the problem hasn’t been working for me.  At any rate, I am keeping the blog alive for now; I still like blogging , still enjoy the conversation, and still have stuff to say.


8 thoughts on “Blogging is Bad for My Health”

  1. You would think we were related!! Anyway, I love to read your blogs and the comments. Maybe we can get voice-recognition input someday:-))

  2. Do you and your husband use the same desktop computer at home? Who’s it set up for?
    I just took a chair yoga class. It was free for seniors at the community center near me and is the kind of thing taught at local hospital wellness groups. Every session we started with the mountain position seated. And had to keep returning to that position. You could look into this in your area or consult a yoga teacher who is trained to teach people with health problems and disabilities. In my area classes are about ten dollars and even one-on-one is about the same.
    Learning that one position would be a big help.

    What I mean is: sit with your feet under your knees, about hip width apart. Rock your feet a bit and contact the floor with your inside big toe area. Press down. Feel your legs strong. Straighten and pull up your torso. Roll your shoulders to the back. Tuck your tailbone under a bit but not extremely. Have your head elongating from your spine. Now at what level is the computer screen? Where is the keyboard?

    Google 😀 correct posture at the keyboard – lots of images and articles.

  3. Wonder what would happen if you took a month or two off computers- really rested that injury? And I second the great effects of yoga. So hope you can heal your muscular-skeletal aches.

  4. I too have neck, shoulder and back problems and find yoga helpful. I am somewhat restricted in what I can do, but it all helps.

    Can your doctor offer you any advice on chairs and posture,etc? My doctor recommended a certain type of bed and we’re looking into it. My husband also has slipped discs in his back and if it weren’t so sad, it would be funny to watch how long it takes each of us to find a way to sleep. We move around so much in the night, our dog won’t even sleep in the room, let alone on our bed. (We do have a special doggy comforter for nights when she does grace us with her presence).

    My doctor also recommended massage and acupuncture for the problem. Acupuncture sounds a bit odd but I’m willing to try anything to avoid surgery.

    Good luck, and God Bless,


  5. Been there, done that. I’m just now thinking of kinda blogging again after 5 months.

    And I was going to email you this weekend about heads and proportion. I’ve been studying fashion sketching and the 8 & 9 heads concept, etc because I’m working on some designs of my own. I looked at your post and photo and thought about heads and proportions several weeks ago and have been thinking, pondering and stewing about it since. (Even tho I can’t find the link today! ugh)

    When I pulled out the tape and started measuring ME, I realized I’m SEVEN heads tall. I thought I miss measured, but I’ve checked, remeasured, asked my math whizzes about the numbers (because this brain injury thing left me with math issues) and sure enough, I’m seven heads tall proportionally speaking – whereas your photo illustration was clearly 8 heads. Ana’s measurements work out the same. Ever heard of this? Or seen it before?

    Think, ponder and maybe I’ll bug you about it in a week or two. 😉 Until then, enjoy your time off.

  6. *gasp* so sorry to hear this– hopefully thing will improve– agree w/ ppl above who suggested different furniture/equipment/sitting etc… computers are such a huge part of our lives, this has to be a hard for you! Plus, there are many of us who love your blog, but we want you to feel better first^^

  7. Pingback: What if your body is short relative to your head? » The Space Between My Peers

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