Jeans: Rigid or Stretch?

Update on my jean hunt: while I’m still hunting for the perfect pair, I picked up a simple pair of j crew button-fly, straight-leg, five-pocket, you know, just-plain-jeans. For $1 at the thrift store. Then I went back to the thrift store I mentioned previously and found that the jeans I had liked on me, but declined to pay $6.98 for, were now 75% off of the $6.98. These are gap long and lean, with flap pockets and the crease thing down the front. Not everyday jeans for me, because I don’t wear heels every day.
Women: Long and lean jeans - medium tint

But back to the question at hand: rigid or stretch jeans?

Conventional wisdom says stretch. And I know all the reasons: you get a personally fit pair of pants, you can wear a smaller size without worrying about shrinkage (my husband wonders how many women prefer stretch for the primary reason that they can wear a smaller size), and so on, yada yada, ad nauseam.

But. Consider the wisdom of Clinton and Stacy regarding jackets. They say a structured jacket fixes most problems. So if the structured jacket is the solution for belly rolls – and I think we can all agree that it is! – why isn’t a structured jean the solution for saddlebags?

31 thoughts on “Jeans: Rigid or Stretch?”

  1. I really am very, very tired of stretch. Especially in pants. For one thing, I have to wear a belt and I have to keep tightening that belt. And I agree with the structure remark. The thing about jeans is that they used to be “corseting.’ 🙂 Though folks who would switch to non-stretch jeans in a newer, higher waist will likely find themselves on a lighter diet after they try sitting down and relaxing in them for any length of time. Can dig in.

  2. I don’t really know. I used to hate stretch jeans. But at some point, I realized my jeans lost their shape by the end of the day. They would hang on me and look horrible. Stretch doesn’t do that, though. Maybe a rigid jacket is OK because you move the top half of your body differently than the bottom half?

  3. I’m almost thinking the other way around – a stretch jacket would be nice. Then I could have it fit me where I’m small, but still allow freedom of movement.

    I suppose that’s the same with jeans. Do rigid jeans really lose their shape more than stretch? I do notice that after several wearings my all-cotton ones are all-over big. Hmmm. More to think about.

  4. Absolutely! And Stacy and Clinton also advise getting jeans without stretch. I don’t know if they mean that for everyone or just certain figure types, but I’ve heard them give that advice more than once.

  5. Stacy and Clinton advise against stretch? Well, since I don’t have a TV, I’ve missed alot of their shows. In the book, there was at least one situation where they did advise stretch. It probably does have to do with body shape. 🙂

  6. Stre-e-e-e-e-t-c-h! That is what happens when I wear stretch jeans. Seriously! I don’t have much junk in my trunk and have trunk envy. By the end of the day, I am hiking up my jeans to my waist for a better fit.

    Love you blog, by the way.

  7. Does anyone else have trouble knowing what size jeans to buy? I will be, ahem, 40 this year. For years and years–since high school–I was a 10, but now I am a 8 or sometimes even a 6, except when I am still a 10. (And I have NOT lost weight! 🙂

    Stretch doesn’t help me at all in choosing a size. I am sitting here right now in a new pair of jeans with 1% stretch (size 8 Merona midrise from Target). They fit nicely when I tried them on in the store, but after one day’s wear, I now fear they are too big–not awful, but sort of “rake the leaves, clean the house” jeans. All-cotton jeans always ease up through the day on me, too. Sigh. What trick am I missing? Do I need to buy jeans that are actually too small in the store? (Scary! What if they don’t stretch out?)

  8. I have some jeans that said “stretch” on the tags and they give just a little… they are perfect. But when I tried to order the same pair online, I got some that were almost spandex… they were hideous. I don’t think they would have suited anyone!!!

    So, can i say that I prefer somewhere in between stretch and rigid!

    Sorry I’ve been away a while… I’ve recently discovered Bloglines and it’s helping me get all my bloggy reads back in order!!

  9. I never ever wear stretch jeans, not only because I’m not crazy about the way they look, but also because they don’t age as well as regular ones. When regular jeans start to wear out, they just become thinner, softer, and lighter in certain places. When stretch jeans start to wear out, the cotton fibers wear but the lycra doesn’t, and the thinner parts wrinkle really unattractively, making them have a much shorter life.

    Also, in my experience, all jeans, stretch or not, have a tendency to grow. I buy mine small and wash them when they start to feel too loose.

  10. Girl-woman – thanks for the compliment and the comment! Welcome to the blog. 🙂

    dcrmom – you are, of course, right. Unfortunately, my velvet paisley is vintage – no stretch. I also had a beautiful grapefruit-colored velvet blazer from Old Navy which, although the jacket was stretch, shredded in the lining because it wasn’t. When I’m looking for a jacket, I’m usually so thrilled to find one that fits my shoulders that I don’t even think about stretch, even though I think I would like it better.

    You inspired me again! I might try taking the paisley to a tailor and having one of those vent things (anybody know what they are called?) added in the back seam.

    Sheri – here’s what you do: you try on the 8, it fits, so you try on the 6. Lo and behold, it fits too! You buy the 6, especially if it’s got stretch at all. Don’t ask me why this works, it does (I think it’s really weird that two different sizes fit). They should be tight, but you should be able to move when you buy them. The lady at Express suggested – she was afraid I’d be grossed out, but I wasn’t – wearing them like five times before washing them.

    bee – glad you’re back! 🙂

    Sarah – I agree. I’m beginning to be put off by the look of aging stretch jeans. Thanks for dropping by!

  11. The only “stretch” jeans I own are the long & leans, and boy are they comfy! I like that they stretch when I put the kidlets down for a nap, etc. They definitely last a few days longer out of the wash than the J.Jill’s I scored at Goodwill.

  12. For me it’s stretch. Hands down. That said, the better quality the stretch denim the better it lasts. Also washing in cold, and hanging to dry helps to make the fabric last longer.

  13. I love rigid denim. I like the restrictive way they feel – and they wear out more naturally, last longer, and look more authentic than stretch IMO. I won’t wear stretch denim.

  14. I personally like my jeans with 2% spandex and no more. I find that they keep their shape better while wearing and are easier to fit. That said, I buy all of my jeans just a touch on the snug side in the expectation that they will grow a little, wash them in cold water, and hang them to dry for the best possible longevity and to maintain their shape.
    Khakis and dress pants, however, I like without stretch, no contest.

  15. Two weeks isn’t a necro-post, right?

    Yes, structured jeans are a solution to sagging fabric! I have figured out why: if the back-yoke fits just on the curve of one’s butt, the jeans will stretch out over the day, but they will match your body and therefore continue to look flattering, if slightly less -um- showy. The only exceptions are if you pull up your jeans a lot or they’re one-way stretch.

    By the way, I love you. I think I must subscribe to your blog (another distraction from studying, woohoo.)

  16. no stretch for me, either- although good luck finding non-stretch jeans- my biggest disappointment has been – NOT A SINGLE PAIR on this website were rigid denim except the 501’s and I have never been sure how to buy these- also need boot cut, think these are straight leg- tried on a pair of Levi’s Super Slimming jeans and it was like wearing a pair of spandex leggings- and I find that many that say “100% cotten” are NOT when you look at the detaiIs- even 1% spandex sucks -I found this site because in my desperation, I googled “I hate stretch jeans” -looks like a lot of women do, but how to get buyers and stores to listen? On another blog, someone suggested Lands End, but I ordered a pair of these and they look like Grandma jeans- I’m (gulp) “older” but not that old. Victoria’s Secret has a few, does anyone else have suggestions?

  17. here’s my question – is it the higher the spandex percentage, the less the pants will stretch/lose shape? like 4% spandex, 96% cotton will stretch out/lose shape less than 98% cotton, 2% spandex? i’ve tried to google it and i can’t find it anywhere! thanks for your help! the sooner the better, coz i’m about to order some pants online & am not sure what size to get given the spandex level… : ) thanks!!

  18. No, I think it’s the other way around. The higher the percentage of spandex, the smaller size you need to order. So, if two sizes fit, buy the 100% cotton in the larger size, but buy the smaller if it has stretch. Hope that helps.

  19. that’s a great website! i just tried it out and then bought some indi custom jeans! can’t wait to get them in 4-6 weeks! thanks!!

  20. I have no idea why the fashion industry is torturing us with stretch jeans. My roll down on me. I’m constantly having to hike them up. I don’t care how small a size I buy, stretch jeans become so loose that they almost fall off me. I’m not curvy so I don’t have anything to hold them up when they stretch. And people look rediculous with a sagging butt. Rigid jeans never did that. I’m glad some designers are making rigid jeans. Hopefully they will eventually make them without the distressed look. And the retro styles just have to go. Give us rigid jeans with current design trends!

  21. i love stretch up to feels comfortable all day and gives a great silhouette to a nice figure…rigid denim is extremely uncomfortable and stiff, especially when sitting down

  22. I’m extremely anal about how my clothing fit – it must fit perfectly.
    I’m petite and heavy with big hips. I tried
    I was skeptical about the chance that buying jeans online would be worth it. I pretty much expected that the quality would be bad.
    However i was pleasantly surprised – They fit like a glove.
    The denim is very soft and they are well stitched. The wash is unique and craftsmanship is impressive.
    These jeans made me look slim and sexy!
    Finally,I am rid of the dreaded “muffin top”! My husband thinks I lost 10 lbs!
    I can’t count how much money I’ve spent on other jeans that didn’t fit right they would fit me in the waist but no where else or fit me everywhere but not in the waist.

  23. Any jean will bag out after a couple of wears. 2% stretch gives you some comfort and are more forgiving if you like a close fit. If you work in a jacket, a bit of stretch gives you better mobility- clothes have to accommodate movement, not just hang on an immobile body.

    Finally, a lot of people blame poor fit on fabric, when it is really the cut.

  24. It seems to me that there is money to be made from filling the gaping gap in the market — I too am desperate for rigid denim jeans, preferably waist-high ones. I am sick sick sick of the way stretch denim makes even me (a size 2) look fat. If I want stretch I buy something like leggings. I don’t want stretch in a garment that has pockets and a zipper. In the old days I could wash my jeans on hot if I wanted them to shrink and be corsetting, or I could be gentle with them if I didn’t. I have no idea why people prefer stretch jeans. It is quite baffling. It is particularly mad for manufacturers of stretch jeans to talk about slimming tummy panels and the like, when there is no way the stretch is going to be slimming anything. Bring back the rigid denim that really DID flatten any hint of a bulging belly.

  25. Sarah – I agree with you. I have to be much more careful with stretch jeans to avoid looking fat!

    I have decided I really prefer jackets with a bit of stretch, though, if I can find them.

    Why don’t they have “slimming jeans” with thigh panels instead of tummy panels? lol

  26. Sarah, if you think you look fat in stretch jeans and you are size 2, just imagine how size 12 looks… stretch jeans are absolutely hideous. And worse, you can look at yourself in the mirror at home and think you are ok, but get in the sunlight and catch a glimpse! Every tiny bulge, ripple, roll shows as clearly as if you are naked. If the stretch jeans are tight enough you can even see your cellulite bumps on peoples butts and thighs. I am still on the constant lookout for the perfect jeans- the closest I have found are US Polo Association boot cuts in the rigid denim and now can’t find anymore of them. The custom jeans also left me disappointed – if anyone finds the old kind of great rigid denim jeans please help

  27. Where in the world do you find good, non-stretch jeans?!
    I need to find a place/brand/whatever that makes good, non-stretch jeans.
    They flatten out my back side and cling to my already full-looking thighs…don’t need any more help in that area, so NO STRETCH for me!

  28. I found jeans I loved on clearance at Target of all places. Merona stretch comfort no-gap-waistband. They are fabulous. I bought them in a size 12 which is what I was at the time then went back and bought 2 pairs of size 10 (at $12.95 on clearance!!!) as I have been losing weight recently and continue to do so. I figured they were on clearance because the season was changing but alas, they no longer are making this fit and I am very frustrated because my 10’s are now getting a big too big on me and I’d like to buy a couple pairs of 8’s! Now I’m annoyed because I can’t find anything that fits, stretch or non-stretch that doesn’t gap, bulge, pinch, pull, or whatever! I tried the site where they ask you some questions about your body type and then suggest brands, styles, etc for you. I’m not impressed, partly because they are asking things like if my waist is short, average or long. I DON’T KNOW!!!! Then they ask what shape your butt is with 5 different options. Again, I don’t know for sure! I’m terribly at looking at my body and trying to figure out where it fits in with these kinds of things. It’s just like when people talk about face shapes. I haven’t got a clue what shape my face is and I’ve tried various methods of figuring it out. I don’t get it. Wow, tangent. Sorry. So anyway, I’m frustrated because I’ve lost weight and continue to lose, slowly, but I find a pair of jeans that I actually like and then as I lose weight, they don’t fit anymore and then I have to go on a whole new search again because the jeans I loved aren’t available anymore or my body shape has changed just slightly enough that those don’t work for me anymore. I love jeans and yet I HATE them! With that said, if the fit is just right, then I prefer the structured, rigid fabric BUT for a little give and movement, I do like a little bit of stretch as long as the jeans are good quality, fabric isn’t too thin, etc. I’m enjoying this blog so far. Thanks!

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