What Moms Really Want for Mother’s Day

Shoes, of course!   – just kidding.

What Mom really wants probably relates to two things:

  1. Her love language.
  2. What, if anything, is out of balance according to the basic needs of her temperament.

For example, very often mothers of young children need more time alone.  Or the homemaker who is tired of the tyranny of the kitchen may want to have a meal prepared for her.  Or the woman with an absurdly tiny wardrobe budget may really appreciate that pair of shoes.

So what do you really want for Mother’s Day?  And who do you want it from?  I confess, with my children, I’m delighted to receive ANYTHING which demonstrates they thought of me in the tinyest way.  It’s still my hero I really want to feel appreciates me.

10 thoughts on “What Moms Really Want for Mother’s Day”

  1. I couldn’t agree more – knowing that my husband loves and appreciates me is what makes my day. Mother’s day or not – expressions of love and gratitude are always welcome. 🙂 Not sure what I’d like for Mother’s Day, but it might involve a spa treatment. To me a pedicure is the ultimate indulgence!

    PS – N said the cutest thing about this week’s verse and I meant to tell you about it on Wed night. I forgot but blogged about it instead. 🙂 Happy Mother’s day to you!

  2. I want to have a long conversation with my mom and my family. I love just sitting across the table and talking about whatever over a good meal and a good glass of wine. Maybe even a group game where we all have to act a little crazy! Can you tell what my love language is? Like you didn’t already know! LOL

  3. Since my kids are fairly young, I do like to have the day to myself. I’m actually celebrating all weekend: massage Saturday morning (the only time available), a little shopping and maybe a nap, then dinner out. On Sunday, I plan on lounging around, watching movies, and being alone in the house. Probably take-out for dinner unless I’m feeling inspired to cook. I asked for a muffin from Peet’s Coffee for breakfast — we’ve never been into the big Sunday brunch crowd thing.

    At this point, and I don’t know if it ever stops, Mother’s Day “spoiling” is still my husband’s responsibility. And I’m OK with that. After all, he’s the one who made me a mom. 🙂

  4. Shoes and eating out are my love languages. But for Mother’s Day I don’t care what I get or do. I just enjoy being with my kids.

    My mom and I tried to go out for lunch every year around Mother’s Day, just the two of us. It was a good memory.

    My prayer is that I won’t miss my mom too much tomorrow, but rather be thankful for her wonderful influence.

  5. I recently took a very formal ring (given to me by my mother) that I never wore to my jewelers for restyling and my gift (from my DH) will be the cost of the project. My 21 year old twin sons will cook me a splendid brunch.

    This combination of luxury and practicality is ‘me’ and I’m grateful for it.

  6. I think Mother’s Day “spoiling” stays the husband’s ultimate responsibility until widowhood or equivalent.

    Love your idea about the ring, Duchesse. I may rip it off for next year. 🙂

    Jb … intern – I think that was a lovely gift.

    I painted a watercolor flower on a card for my mom and enjoyed a peaceful day with no cooking required, just puttering in the yard and etc. Later in the day we went for a drive to watch wildlife and ended with Maggie Moo’s ice cream. New flavor: buttered popcorn!

  7. I didn’t WANT anything and I got EXACTLY what I needed: a card, a call, and dinner and a movie.
    Thank you, SO and children.

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