What’s Ahead in 2009

As of December 30, 2008, via CBS news:

Spokane residents were trying to dig out Tuesday after a month of record-breaking snow collapsed roofs and clogged streets.The center of a snow-laden supermarket roof in north Spokane collapsed Monday evening, prompting the evacuation of that store and adjacent businesses. A fire official said only one minor injury was reported.The roof collapse came as Spokane set a monthly record for snowfall, at 59.7 inches, after 8.3 inches were recorded in the 24-hour period ending at 4 p.m. Monday, said National Weather Service meteorologist Ellie Kelch. That’s more snow than the area receives in a typical winter.

So that explains alot of my recent absence from blogging. In addition to having beloved family members home from school and work, the holidays, building a long overdue second bathroom, and watching way too much antm on youtube (which I neither recommend nor excuse).

What’s on the horizon:

  1. The blogging continues.  I have paid for another two years of “betweenmypeers.com” ownership and the web hosting.  Now if only I understood how to work it all.
  2. By cleaning up the formatting, adding useful links, and regularly posting on basic concepts, my goal is to sharpen the focus of the blog, continually making it more useful.
  3. I also intend to make blogging submit to my regular life.  Hence, the unannounced “vacation”.
  4. And speaking of my “regular life”, we will be having a spring wedding in the family.  More on that to come.

Allow me to take this opportunity to express just how blessed I feel to have this opportunity for on-going discussion with you.  As I wrap up loose ends from the year past (like my busted budget and marathon makeover) and begin thinking on fresh topics (like more posts on fun personality stuff and a possible series on business attire), my question to you is this:

What’s ahead for you in 2009?  And what would you like to see here?

Don’t say more pictures of me. My New Year’s resolution is less.

13 thoughts on “What’s Ahead in 2009”

  1. You might do a post on style coordination. How much does it matter? The only specific question that comes to mind is whether I shouldn’t wear flip-flops with dress pants. They’re relatively nice flip-flops….

  2. That reminds me: I literally saw a woman running from her car (in slushy snow) into the store the other day in flip-flops! Mind you, there is no dry outdoor location in Spokane and hasn’t been for a month; I’ve been wearing jeans tucked into knee high boots every time I go out, just in case I have to step into a snow berm and often I do. I haven’t even been wearing pants to church because I don’t want to get them wet!

    But, anyway, my opinion is that flip-flops are very informal. In many settings, they are considered quite appropriate, but I never really like the noise that is made when one walks in them. It’s also my guess that the craze for wearing flip-flops with everything will wane, so it would be safer to find a dressier sandal for with your dress pants and keep the flip-flops for with more beachy stuff. And then there are those whose idiom is entirely flip-flops and they just need to remember that there are a few places they should make an exception to their idiom for. Like the White House. I guess all that was my way of saying I wouldn’t do it, but I wouldn’t tell you not to, either. 😉

    What exactly do you mean by style coordination? (Sounds like a fun topic!)

  3. Happy New Year Rebecca.

    I love your Fashion Labs (I know you want less photos of you), I think they’re a really great way of showing what does and doesn’t work (for you), or you could do them on friends!

    For me, just keep up your eclectic mix – otherwise it would become dull for both you and your reader (I’d guess).

  4. The Fashion Labs are alot of work, but they are alot of fun too. And instructive. Now I don’t remember what the topic was that I was thinking of, but I have one daughter who is the exact opposite body type as me (in terms of length). It could be fun to try on each other’s clothes or something like that.

    Thanks for the reminder! And Happy New Year to you, too!

  5. There was a guy on my college campus who never wore any shoes but flip-flops – shower shoes, actually. He also only wore shorts. This was central NY state – *cold* and **snow** for basically the whole academic year.

    Based on the example, I assume Chrs means style coordination to be the issue of pairing garments of differing degrees of formality (like dress pants and flip-flops) in the same outfit. Or garments that differ in some other respect besides formality. If that’s the case, then I also find it a very interesting topic.

    Happy New Year to you, too, Rebecca! Hope you had a great Christmas with family and are all dug out now.

  6. That sounds like a great set of fashion labs – you could go to the shops with her and try on the same stuff and show how it works better on one body shape than the other – but there is always something out there for everyone!

  7. Mella has got what I meant. I have, for example, a bright blue nylon jacket and a pair of black-and-white houndstooth pants. I also have a gray shirt with a bright blue logo which matches both garments admirably, and I have on one or two occasions worn them all together (with black flipflops, of course).

  8. I think your outfit sounds great. And I do have some ideas about putting styles and levels of formality and so-forth together, so I’ll try to do a post. Fun! 🙂

  9. I would like to see more posts about work clothes for professional women. You know… office workers like me who want to get ahead! I think the fashion labs are fun too, and I like to see what your readers send in for them. If I can figure out how to get my hubby to take a picture of me that doesn’t either distort my face or my feet, I would be willing to do one.

    Oh, and pictures of the wedding party, for sure!

  10. I was thinking of you, among others, when I came up with the notion of doing a series on business attire. Actually, I think you asked before. See, it was still there! 😉

  11. I love your site and enjoy your posts about fashion because I’m not very knowledgeable about it. You’ve got a vast audience in different points in their lives, so that keeps things interesting. As a SAHM who prefers pjs to any other clothing items, I love your pieces about how to kick your style up a notch and how to update your casual wardrobe. And the makeover has been fun to observe and very inspirational – I might try it myself in 09! Keep up the good work. 🙂

  12. Thanks, Lori. Your hair is so cute, I’m not sure you need a makeover. But now that I have finally gotten beyond the hair thing, I am enjoying a little fresh thinking about clothes and accessories. It’s fun! I’m definitely going to get something special for my mother of the bride dress.

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