Mom: Before and After Haircut

before-moms-haircut-aug-08.jpgafter.jpgaka “Shirley Jones Fashion Lab”Shirley Jones

Mom has graciously allowed me to show you her before and after haircut photos. Also pictured, the photo she forgot to take with her. 🙂

Which reminds me of a concept I had thought of previously:

If you resemble someone beautiful, famous, and glamorous (like Shirley Jones), why not piggy-back off their stylist’s expertise and borrow their hairstyle?

(Perhaps not wanting to be associated with the character of the person you resemble?)

Now, the fashion lab portion of this post:
Shirley and Marty wearing light colorsShirley and Marty in blackShirley in blue and blackShirley in red and blackShirley in what appears to be muted olive and black

Based on these photos, do you have any “what color to wear” advice for the subject?

And just for fun: who would play you in the movie of your life? He hee. I have no idea what actress I resemble, but I’m fairly certain any movie of my life would have Mike Myers involved at some level. Thankfully, I live a boring life. 8)

9 thoughts on “Mom: Before and After Haircut”

  1. The only celebrity look-alike I have is … according to my cousin’s wife…. Laura Dern. Yes, she says I look like a caucasian acress. This kills me but I do think Laura Dern is very pretty.

  2. I want my mom, who looks like Shirley, to go white !!! She says she is not ready to “go there” yet and she is 69!!!

    Today someone told me I look like Renee Russo—God bless that person, and I say it not in vain! I’ve also heard Uma Thurman lately…HA! For years it’s been Joan Cusack, and I didn’t FEEL like I looked like her a bit! I’ve also heard Lucy!!! and I mean Lucille Ball, not Peanuts Lucy!

  3. Its a pity I can’t see the color of Shirley’s eyes to make a better judgement call on her colouring – but as I think the beige shirt in the big pic doesn’t work with her skin, I’d be looking at cooler colours, and lighter colours.

    I think I’d have Uma Therman but in the Pulp Fiction wig… nobody ever says I look like anyone in particular, so I have no idea.

  4. Wow, your mom does bear a resemblance to this actress!

    I have tried to get celebrity inspiration for haircuts. But, I’m Asian, and there’s only one mainstream Asian actress who I resemble – Katie Leung from the Harry Potter movies. So far, I’ve only seen her hair in 3 styles, all basically the same (long without bangs, long with blunt bangs, and long with side-swept bangs). I’ve tried those looks actually, and people did seem to like it… but when I want something a little different? No idea!

  5. Love your mother’s hair colour — is that her in all of the pics? I think it is, but can’t tell — I think with white hair, ANY colour would be good, but mainly soft and vibrant hues (such as flowers) would be most flattering. I personally think jewel tones are so strong and overpowering, but perhaps w/ the striking white hair it would balance out the rich colours. Didn’t Elizabeth Taylor have pure white hair for a while before she started dying it black? She was gorgeous w/ white hair, and the colours she wore then could be an inspiration.

    As for famous look-alikes, i;ve heard Barbie a lot (long hair), once about 13 yrs ago Paula Abdul, and a few times Mariah Carey, and once Britney Spears — uggh, this is prolly creating a rather interesting image of me, hahahaa — oh — one time someone said that Russian tennis player, Maria Shapirova (i think is the name) — THAT was the most flattering, yet sadly also has the least resemblance!

  6. I thought the contrast between the Shirley and Marty in beige picture and the Shirley and Marty in black quite striking. And I think I’m sold on biffing all my black – they really do look much older!

  7. I love the new hair style – fluff and go! and it’s a good thing I don’t mind getting it trimmed often. My hair grows about 3/4 inch a month and I lose the style after about one inch.

    It’s actually a return to a style from long, long ago – when it looked more like Rachel Maddow’s.

    BTW, eye color is hazel and jewel colors are a favorite; but I’m not sure anything helps with ‘old’ skin:-((

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