Layering Tops of Various Lengths

Eternal Voyageur brings up a good, if messy, question:

I was wondering whether you’d do a post of layering length of jackets/cardigans over tops. I was thinking about how to combine short/regular/long cover-ups over short/regular/tunic length tops. This is tricky for me especially when I plan to leave the cover-up layer unbuttoned …

And Imogen was kind enough to answer it on her blog!

Myself, I am off to Macy’s today. You see, I forgot that I had an account with them and so when the mail came I threw the envelope in the drawer “to look at later”.  🙁  But as long as I am there to pay my bill anyway, I plan to Shop Clearance at Macy’s.  🙂 

Wish you could go with me (I’m a bit lonely today after having my best friend around for the long US holiday weekend)!  If you could go with me, what would you be shopping for?  Or would we just be mall-walking for exercise?

10 thoughts on “Layering Tops of Various Lengths”

  1. How fun! I wish I could shop with you! I’ve just been thinking I’d like to hit Macy’s and see what I could find, but time for that kind of thing is very limited at this point in my life. 🙂

    Anyhow…I would be shopping for just about everything! Lol! In particular, I could use a good pair or two of jeans, some cute tops that are nursing mom friendly, and a couple of skirts. :::sigh::: I hate being desperately in need of clothes!

  2. I always look for shoes, boots and handbags, nice costume jewellery, plus expensive items like coats – but only buy things that are different from what I already own, in colours that are flattering, in styles that suit my body shape and that I LOVE (not just for the sake of buying something) that suit my personality and are really ME!

    Have a lovely shop – let us know if you found anything fantastic.

  3. I went to the Mall yesterday for the first time in 5 years BY MY SELF! It was two hours of positive bliss….only spent $30, too! A new bra and a wonderful scarf….brown and gray reversible with roses! I told my husband later that ever since I have been reading my fashion/what not to wear blogs, my tastes have refined immensely! Things that catch my eye are usually overruled….details on the waist or on the cuffs….or not in my color range!!

    I would love to be shopping along with you….you could tell me what I should be looking for!!

  4. Wendy, it’s true that sales provide unforeseen opportunities! I had in mind some holes in my fall wardrobe, but ended up repairing the summer. 🙂

    Jenna, I know how you feel! All last year, between being obsessed with blogging and everything else, I let my wardrobe grow very meager. And I didn’t even have a good reason, like two little ones! My fall wardrobe is especially skimpy, what with donating all my money, as well as my time, to costuming Little Women.

    Imogen, I came home with three items: long, wide, white linen trousers (which I knew the moment I put them on were for me); a brown skirt with pink and white paisley print which I really liked on, but am now having second thoughts about; and a beige/gold metallic, 3/4 sleeve, pleated front jacket, which I wasn’t sure about, but was afraid would haunt me if I didn’t buy it. They were $5 each. I will leave the tags on and play with them, I can always take them back.

    Mrs MK, isn’t it wonderful to have a better idea what works for you? And, even though I was a bit lonely today, I really am more productive alone. If I shop with someone, other than perhaps my sister, I prefer to just shop for them. Which we could have done if you were here. 🙂

    I was pretty pleased with myself. Including the gas to get out there and the mocha when I arrived, I still came out ahead. Macy’s had assessed a $25 late fee on my account already, which I was able to convince them to take off!

  5. It’d probably be mall-walking… while I could use a fall skirt or two, this year’s lengths are NOT helpful to me. You’d be fun to shop with, though.

  6. Yes. When I tried the stuff on for my hero and my daughter last night, my hero wanted to take a picture of the white linen pants but I was too lazy to track down a camera.

    Speaking of skirt lengths, I do wish there was more variety offered. (The length of the skirt I bought is actually good on me, I have never liked above the knee and feel like for the past 25 years I’ve not had any other options. But the fabric is polyester, so it’s just not going to work.) It’s one thing to be able to measure your body and figure out how long your skirt should be, something entirely different to buy one that is the right length. Especially when the lengths offered are always too short!

    I suppose posting pictures, even of the things I’m going to return, is almost like shopping together. 🙂

  7. Oh yes, please post your pictures. I missed our virtual shopping trip, but if I had gone with you I would have simply scouted out the new fall designer lines looking for styles/shapes to keep a heads up on at thrift stores or ideas for sewing. I’m trying to decide on a flattering shape for a top using some brown silk I picked up for $1 a yard. I have a problem purchasing tops that fit right now because I’m still nursing.

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