Teen Style Tuesday: More on Coats

Perhaps it was just so that she didn’t have to wear her letterman with her evening gown, but my daughter finally broke down and bought herself a “grown up coat”. coat-with-sweatshirt.JPG

With her broad shoulders, finding comfortable tailored clothing can be a challenge; which accounts for why she compromised and got black. It was comfortable. Until she finds a scarf, though, she can wear this hoodie to keep the black from washing out her peaches and cream coloring.

You can’t really see the detailing, but it’s got some ruffly stuff going on in the middle; her co-workers assured her it did not make her look pregnant. lol

I predict she’ll wear this coat for many years.


After searching all over (including Macy’s, where she bought the coat) for the exact coat – Billabong, textured wool-blend, baby doll style – I found this coat at Nordstrom which is similar, just so you can get an idea what it’s like.

(I’m afraid she might have liked this one better. ?*?*? Oh well.)

6 thoughts on “Teen Style Tuesday: More on Coats”

  1. I can’t really see the picture, but she is clever not to cheapen the look of her beautiful dress with too casual outerwear! (And you know I’m a fan of black coats.)

    Now, will she carry a clutch? Which shoes will she be wearing? Long gloves??

  2. Maybe I’ll try to get my hero to take a picture for me. It’s so hard to see detail with black.

    I think she’s going to try to go without a bag, but I’m not sure how that will work. Since we ran into my husband’s co-worker recently, frantically searching the store for where she had set down her clutch, I am opposed to any sort of bag which takes work to keep track of it. (Thankfully she called us when she got home: the store she had been to prior had called her at home and left a message that she had left her purse there. I probably should do a post.) Anyway, we are going shopping for shoes today. She has her heart set on silver, but hasn’t found the perfect pair yet.

    Long gloves would be quite elegant, but she’s the type of personality who takes off anything extraneous before doing anything, so she has decided not to do them. She would certainly not want to eat in them.

    She found the perfect jewelry, though, and I will put up a picture of it with the shoes … when we find them. 🙂

  3. Long gloves used to have a feature – where you can unbutton some wrist buttons and keep the gloves on while having the hands off and dangling. I don’t think I’ve ever seen anyone actually do this. 🙂

    I’ve always liked a small crushable shoulder bag on an attractive “string”.

    I’ve probably said this before but I recently bought a “coat” of about the same length, maybe longer, and I’m convinced it’s a “jacket”. 🙂

  4. Lots of the clutches out there right now have hidden chains or wristlet straps inside, so they can be carried two ways.

    If she can find a way to keep ID and emergency cabfare with her, going without a purse might be fine. It’s not a choice I’d make, though, because it’s not a good plan to leave those things in a coat pocket.

  5. lol I can’t imagine trying to eat with your glove hands hanging!

    We talked about the bag thing a little bit more today, while we were out fruitlessly shopping for shoes. She’s considering carrying her regular bag to dinner and then tucking it under the seat in the car during the dance. Wouldn’t be my recommendation. Perhaps I’ve been married for too long, but my thought is “doesn’t a tux have an inside pocket big enough to hold something the size of an envelope”. Which probably really isn’t a good idea. What she really needs to have is her cell phone and a little bit of money. And that definitely won’t fit in her dress. We’ll see.

    It’ll be interesting too to see what she does about shoes, because we are close to the end of the list of places to go and she hasn’t found anything she thinks is worth spending the money on.

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