Teen Style Tuesday: Layering with V-necks

gathered-scoop-under-deep-vee.JPGThis first picture is what I wore on Saturday to a meeting concerning the theatre group we are involved with. What it is: the top with the gathered neckline pictured below, worn underneath a deep v-neck t-shirt.


(Can you believe I posted it again, the outfit everyone loves to hate? Do you think it would be better if the colors were inverted, ie dark pants and light top?)

Last week I created quite a stir by gently suggesting V-necks are on their way out. If you love your v-necks and they are flattering on you, the layered look above, done with greater contrast between the colors, would maintain the vee line.

BTW, dd was cast in the musical Little Women, in a small chorus part. We are very excited, but I had no idea how intense the schedule would be if I ever got assigned to the costume committee. Well, I’ll be finding out. And trying to continue posting, too.

12 thoughts on “Teen Style Tuesday: Layering with V-necks”

  1. Rebecca, I didn’t comment on your previous v-neck post, but I’m getting back in the swing of things now (I think).

    I think v-necks are too classic to ever truly go “out”.

    I love layered tees, but I don’t find the “front only tuck” to be the most flattering choice, irrespective of colours. To my eye it musses with the line of the top, and just serves to make those who have hips look hippier, if you will.

  2. It bothers me that someone as stylish as yourself would go out with a half-tucked-in shirt! It looks really sloppy… like it came untucked, or you just couldn’t be bothered to tuck it in all the way. I don’t think unkempt fits with your idiom. 🙂 The neckline gathering looks cute under your vneck top, though.

  3. i don’t see anything wrong with tucking, half-tucking, not tucking at all…whatever floats your or anyone else’s boat is fine with me. 😛 i would definitely not categorize it as sloppy, though.

    i think for me the only possible issue with the alleged “hated” outfit is proportion, and perhaps fit. the blousy look of the top above the pants and the pants themselves look puffy…which is less flattering for you in this case because it makes the top half and bottom half both look the same size, and that may not be a reflection of reality. the proportion would be changed by untucking the top completely or tucking it in tightly. the picture is so tiny i can barely see the pant details but they look like they have some fullness to them? if you’re going to do a blousy tuck like that you probably want VERY close fitting pants.

    i personally seem to follow loose rules on these matters, myself: if the top or dress is very loose, the pant area must be tighter and smoother. if the pants or skirt is fuller or exaggerated, the top must be tighter fitting.

  4. Wendy, and everyone else who has said basically the same thing, I agree that v-necks are a classic and will never truly be out for a mature woman. I think the point I was trying to make with that post was more along the lines of they have become SO popular with mature women that immature women are going to be wanting a break. 😉

    Ha! That, Emily, is where you are wrong. For whatever inexplicable reason, despite the objections of everyone but Vildy (although, erin, I can see what you mean), the half untucked look does suit my idiom. Which could be based on my tiny “Innovator” influence: the “Innovator”, as I prefer to call that style personality, is actually more concerned with self-expression than with looking good.

    So when you see something that is clearly ugly, but the wearer is very comfortable with it, you’ve probably spotted an Innovator. lol

  5. He hee. Tricia, your comment came in while I was leaving my last one. I had suspected you might say something like you did. 🙂

    The pants are tough to photograph. They actually fit very well, with the wide waistband they fit very flat across the tummy. Here’s another picture of them: pin-striped shorts. I guess it’s the stripes that makes it hard to get a good picture.

    I have heard those guidelines (loose rules) before, but never thought them through much. In practice, I tend to wear fitted everything. Not sure why. Occasionally I wonder if I should loosen up a little. Perhaps the looseness of that top is more what would make it not my idiom than the half tucked thing.

    Too bad the colors in the other picture didn’t show up better. That combo is going to be a staple for me this season!

  6. Well, I guess one can’t argue with innovation…
    But half tucking on it’s way out? It was in? Half tucking was considered a style? At the grocery store I used to work at, half tucking was what people did when they didn’t like tucking their shirt in but didn’t want to get in trouble with the manager for having it untucked, so I guess that’s where I got the sloppy impression from. I just don’t get it 😉 I respect your right to wear it if it pleases you… but I sure wouldn’t.
    Also, I definitely agree with Tricia though, about the proportions of the “hated” outfit…

  7. Rebecca, was sporty part of your idiom? I used to half tuck my shirt in (as a style choice, not as laziness) in (I’m not poking fun here) elementary school when I was really athletic. Therefore it looks sporty to me…

  8. You’re right, bonnie, I do have sporty in my idiom. Which probably accounts for the fact that something that’s not neat and tidy doesn’t bother me. Maybe? (Not to get too analytical.)

    Emily ~ I don’t know that I would consider it a style, but the kids would do it with their uniform tops quite a bit. I mean – you can’t make a uniform look any worse, can you? In practice, you could show your belt buckle in front without showing your underwear in the back. 😉

    Believe me, I’m not advocating the style. I just republished the picture so you could see the neckline of the shirt better, since the picture I took of the actual layering project came out so dark. 🙂

  9. I love the look of the the shirt under the v-neck! Looks great!

    I think the half tucked in shirt in that picture does make you look like you have a pot belly or are pregnant. But I also know that sometimes things look a lot different in real life than when they are photographed. I am totally trusting that you of all people would not go out looking like that, especially when you are a size 2, so I am going to leave any judgement off of the look until I see it on someone in real life (that’s not wearing sweatpants with their half tucked in t-shirt lol).


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