Teen Style Tuesday: Casual Country Glamour

imgp3898.JPGI’m fairly certain this young lady has a glamorous element to her personal style idiom.

Why do I think she’s glamorous? Three reasons:

  1. It’s 100 degrees out and she’s wearing jeans. Because she likes to wear jeans. Clearly she’s not afraid of fashion pain.
  2. While it isn’t defining, how else would a glamorous country girl wear her hair?
  3. The true give-away, though, is her toes. Notice how the pattern of the nail polish repeats the design of the t-shirt?imgp3897.JPG

While this picture was taken at Creationfest, it’s a great look for the up-coming county fair as well!

(This post reminds me – I still want to write some more questions for the quiz. What ideas do you have?)

6 thoughts on “Teen Style Tuesday: Casual Country Glamour”

  1. The toes and tee are definitely fun, but I am suspicious that the word glamorous conjures a different image in my mind than in yours, Rebecca. 😉

  2. Until I did this post, I didn’t think too much about there being different glamorous images, but I guess it makes sense.

    Remember: where I grew up, the farmers were the top social echelon. 😉

  3. Where I grew up, outside of a doctor or a research chemist that I believe socialized out of town, the elite were the school teachers. They had obviously been to college. Years later I was visiting a boyfriend’s relatives in the South and they were all very well-to-do and when they politely asked what he did (do you remember the years when that was THE question?) and he said he was a teacher, they automatically asked him what college he taught at. When he said he taught high school they had no words and he definitely felt pitied. (his brother, father, and uncle were attorneys and another uncle a judge, albeit in a one-horse town where his wife took the few prisoners in the jail home to her table for Christmas and Thanksgiving dinners.)

  4. I suppose I wouldn’t think of her as “glamorous,” mostly because she’s dressed like half of my school, but I love it when people add little unique touches to their outfits, like her stripey nail polish.

  5. See, here’s the thing… I have actually attended Creation, and I have to agree with you — that girl is glamorous! It might not seem glamorous if you met her at the mall, or at the movies, but at Creation, where you are camping, it’s a million degrees, you don’t always have access to electricity or showers……. she is rockin her inner fashion diva! Those toenails rock!

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