Friday Fashion Lab: Is Black Really Slimming? The Real Life Version

Last week I ran a “cheater” fashion lab, something I’m wont to do from time to time due to my laziness and lack of skill in photography (to be very honest, unlike many bloggers I also have little interest in photography). Then Jody of Gumbo Lily (the lovely Jody, fair princess of the kingdom of Gumbo Lily) pointed out that it’s kinda tough to evaluate whether or not black is slimming when looking at clothes on a twig.

But I don’t know if this is really any better; Jody looks so cute in all these outfits. (I LOVE the black & white print top!)

pants-018.jpgpants-009.jpg pants-007.jpgpants-005.jpg

 So what do you think?  Everybody still sold on black?

Thank you so much to Jody, for modeling. And remember, fashion lab is open to everyone. Have a question you’d like to get input on? Contact me and we can figure out how you can be a model too.

11 thoughts on “Friday Fashion Lab: Is Black Really Slimming? The Real Life Version”

  1. Very cute tops! And yes, I think you have proved that black (or dark, in case of top pic) is more slimming, even on real people. I’m seeing a longer, leaner look with those brown pants vs. the shorter khaki skirt. The same goes for the black pant vs. jeans – maybe it’s how the denim breaks the flow and calls attention to widest part? Once again, fashion lab has made me think I shouldn’t leave the house with photo approval first!

  2. A bit slimmer for the top pic, but much slimmer for the bottom ones. On the other hand, Jody still looks great in blue jeans.

  3. Claire Annette

    While the darker colors are more slimming, I like the overall effect of the other two outfits better. With the skirt, I think showing the lower leg is very flattering, while the long straight pants don’t do anything for me. With the second two pictures, I like that the jeans show the shape of her leg. I think it’s just a personal preference for showing curves and and a little leg.

  4. okay – diverting here: I think the crop at the widest part of the shoulder emphasizes the widest part of the hip and distorts the effect….?

    I do think the brown pants are more slimming than the skirt and I confess I have no preference between the denim and the black in the second series.


    and, yes, Rebecca – the outfit the blogosphere dislikes is less than 100% flattering. I think it’s an issue of “fit” – the pants are bunching in an unflattering way b/c the waist doesn’t hit you at the right level to make the crotch/thigh area lie properly. I think this is the “Oh, no, I am a girl and these pants make me look like a boy” effect – know what I mean? I like the semi-tucked babydoll top, tho – that’s worth a repeat with a different bottom (skirt?).

  5. You know my motto is: Nothing is ever simple or easy.

    So first, kudos to Jody for modelling! Great job. And that second empire waisted top — I’m jealous!

    Here again … I actually think the denims are more “slimming” than the black because of cut and fit rather than colour.

    So here’s my question for you. Which do you think has more to do with a slimming effect: cut & fit or colour?

  6. Dana ~ I noticed that we can’t really tell what Jody’s silhouette is because we can’t see the shoulder line, slightly related to what you mention. And, while the dark pants in the first set may be more slimming, I like the sort of monochrome look with the skirt just as well.

    Honestly, I think someone who looks as good as Jody does in all these outfits, should feel free to emphasize the widest part of the hip. Her type of figure and look is associated with nothing but positive attributes in my mind. Wonder what that’s all about?

    Hmmm. The fit of those shorts is something I hadn’t really considered, Dana. Thanks for bringing it up. I’ll have a look at it and if I see what you’re seeing, they’ll be gone – I won’t want to wear them with any top. 😉

    I completely agree that fit is the most critical issue. Too tight or too loose adds pounds.

  7. I actually think the jeans and print top look best on her. Not the black pants. But, I agree all outfits are cute. I used to not be a jeans person…but I really love them now. I have casual everyday ones and dressy ones for going out.

  8. (Please bare with me. I am typing this with a 3 year old on my lap who is trying to discuss “boobs” with me. Egads.)

    I actually like the black better in the first set of outfits better. However with the second, I actually think the blue jeans are more slimming. I think it is because of the cut, not the color. She has great legs, and I think the jeans define them. With the wide legged dress pants, it kind of hides her shape. I think to get a truly accurate picture, I think you would need to see the same pants in different colors, on the same person. I think that is a rule of thumb, black slims, HOWEVER cut can also slim. So I guess I’m coming to the conclusion, that you can get the same effect that black has with just going to a shape that better suits your body. Or you can always just wear black. 🙂

    BTW, I love that second shirt — so cute!

  9. Pingback: The Space Between My Peers » Real Fashion for Real People! Jody's Evening Out

  10. Pingback: The Space Between My Peers » Secrets to Dressing Slimmer

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