Teen Style Tuesday: Are Shorts Modest?

Those of you who are not in the US may not be aware that yesterday was Memorial Day, meaning that my hero was at home and thus my posting schedule is slightly messed up. I am just happy that I was able to post the fabulous! festival on time. This morning it dawned on me that I had completely forgotten to run a Teen Style Tuesday post; but better late than never, right?

Okay, and time for true confessions: I could be a little more inspired for this feature. In the meantime, I want to raise a few questions (not eyebrows or hemlines) about the results of the Modesty Survey at the Rebelution.

TheRebelution.com: The Modesty Survey

So here’s a pair of results that surprised me:

64.5% of the respondents agree with this statement:

It is immodest for a girl to expose her legs up to mid-thigh.

However, only 34.2% agreed with this statement:

Any shorts that are shorter than knee-length are immodest.

My conclusion: short skirts are more of a problem for guys than short pants. (That is the point of the project. Ladies dress modestly to help guys avoid sin. Here’s an old post I wrote on the topic.) Also, and I said this last summer too, conservative moms this summer risk looking immodest because traditional summer styles bare more thigh than the most modest modern styles do, for both shorts and swimwear.

What do you think?

20 thoughts on “Teen Style Tuesday: Are Shorts Modest?”

  1. I agree about the shorts/skirt issue. My 8yo daughter has loooong legs, and with the short shorts, they look silly (not really immodest, because she has stick girl legs). However, I love the new bermuda shorts.

    I do have a question that you might want to address. I tried some on, and because of the straight leg that ends right at the knee, I looked pretty hippy. I am an hourglass, so hmmmmm. Any thoughts?

    I know that you aren’t big on memes, but when I get one up later, I’m going to tag you. I think it’s one you can work with!!

  2. I think short skirts are MUCH more inappropriate than shorts that hit mid-thigh. I think mid-thigh shorts are perfectly decent for a modest Christian woman, although I prefer the new Bermuda style as long as they are not too baggy.

    Short SKIRTS, however, are really inappropriate for a married woman, in my humble opinion. I wear mine no shorter than right above the knee, and I prefer them to hit at or right below the knee. I think they are generally more flattering at or just below the knee, as well.

    I am often SHOCKED at the short skirts I see older women wearing. Sometimes it’s at church and a very modest woman. I think in those cases, the woman doesn’t realize that look has gone out of style. Still, someone should tell her to donate the skirt and go find something appropriate to wear!

    Stepping off my soapbox, now. πŸ˜‰

  3. Jennifer ~ you raise an interesting point, one that I’m almost reluctant to touch, about skinny girl legs not really looking immodest. I think that is one area where rules fail. I mean, one 8-year-old (or even 13 yo) just looks like a little kid and another one looks like they’re trying to play grown-up. As parents trying to guide these young ones we need supernatural wisdom, don’t we?

    About the bermudas: I THINK I know what you mean; I have that response to myself in capris sometimes. With the knee-length shorts, the best silhouette seems to be one that tapers a bit and then flares a tiny bit at the knee, so it doesn’t appear tight there. The horizontal line created by the cuff on my brown ones adds to that width at the knee.

    If I didn’t quite get your question, let me know. πŸ™‚

    dcrmom ~ thanks for saying all that so I didn’t have to! Sadly, we even see the “classic 4″ above the knee” skirts on the platform.

  4. Preach it, dcrmom! A general rule of thumb: if the skirt is wider than it is long, it is way too short to be modest, and no woman over 30 should dare try it.

    Maybe it’s the extra fabric that makes mid-thigh shorts seem more modest than skirts. I’m also loving the bermuda shorts – maybe we better all stock up so we’ll have them in our drawers long after they fall out of fashion.

  5. I know why I feel more modest in pants than in skirts, but I can’t think of a decent way to say it. Okay, imagine bending over in a mid-thigh skirt. Now imagine bending over in a mid-thigh pair of shorts. You get the picture. I’d better stop now.

  6. I’m definitely guilty of being a short-skirt-wearing married woman (and my husband loves it). I do, however, keep in mind the place and situation when choosing outfits. The skirts I wear are also usually light, a-line skirts which, at least in my humble opinion, look a lot better and youthful than straight lined short skirts. Of course, I have also been looking out for more conservative skirts that I know I can wear for years to come. I’m 24 now, but I know that it will be harder to get away with some things as I get older.

    As for the reason shorts are more modest than skirts that are the same length – well, they tend to stay put in the wind or when bending over.

  7. Welcome to the blog, Meg! πŸ™‚

    I saw the cutest leggings the other day, which would be really nice with your short skirts; they were a muted 60s looking print!

    And, I guess I had better just come right out and say it (and it’s not necessarily directed at you, Meg): in general, I don’t believe the need for modesty changes based on one’s marital status or age. I do think it’s good for married ladies to get their husband’s input/approval of what they wear.

  8. Here’s my experience with the shape of shorts for an hourglass. I just bought 3 pair, having gotten rid of my old ones that were too short and too flouncy/baggy. Mine are low cut with a flat front and a wide tab band and cuffs. I’ve read advice to have them skim the thigh and, put another way, to follow the shape of your thigh. I don’t think I’d be comfortable in shorts that closely followed my thigh shape since it isn’t straight or long and lean. I’d get a bicycle short effect. So these are straight but they don’t make me look stumpy because of my thigh width.

    Here’s where I think the difference is for me as an hourglass and with short legs, particularly short calves: if the short follows the thigh *in the back* under the rear, I look adequately shapely and not stumpy. This is the whole key for me. If they fall straight from the hip instead, I look like I have huge tree trunks for thighs from the side. This is why I can’t wear culottes or divided skirts. The side view is a horror with mile wide thighs totally out of proportion to my body – but it’s all fabric!

    Here’s what I found out about capris. I have 3 pair. They don’t look to me like the ones Rebecca modeled. They’re stretch cotton or denim with a slit at the outside knee and they’re about 3″ below the bottom of my knee. These do follow my leg shape but then flare a bit at the bottom. Here’s why they work for me. The pairs I have seem to have an indentation or curve so that it looks like my knee is higher than it is. So if you just look at the amount of skin below the hem they way they tell people to judge it then, yes, my calves are short. But if you look at them as I move and walk or shift then it looks like my calves are longer. It works for me. It’s all about the appearance of where the knee is. And I do wear all of these with flat shoes. I’d proably get more of this effect if I wore heels/wedges.

  9. That is fascinating about the capris, Vildy! It makes perfect sense, too, about where the knee appears to be, rather than where it actually is.

    This week’s fashion lab is going to be fun: Dana is modeling different shoes, going for a leg lengthening look. (I think she’ll be wearing capris, I haven’t gotten the pictures yet.)

  10. I am always a little shocked when I see an older woman wearing a shorter skirt (mid-thigh). I’m embarrassed when I see a younger woman wearing one. I’m sensitive to immodesty, so I guess that’s where the blush and quick look away comes from (even in 8 year olds, Jennifer).
    But you make a good point, Rebecca, when it comes to modesty, your hubby is the best person to ask.
    And I think it’s silly to require a girl to wear shorts down to her knees (mid-thigh seems long enough). But I’m a modern woman…what do I know?


  11. Thanks Bonnie. Our camp has a guideline that shorts need to be mid-thigh. I agree that’s fine, although I am happy that longer shorts are in style now.

  12. Hi Rebecca!

    Those leggings do sound fun. I haven’t gotten into leggings yet, partly because it’s so hot here in Florida (and I didn’t wear short skirts much before this season) and partly because all the leggings I see in stores are so dark. I will definitely keep an eye out for cute leggings, though, since that would be a great way to wear the skirts this fall (or even in summer on cooler days). And yes, they would be a bit more modest for when I want to be.

    Fortunately, I do have a husband who supports my style and likes showing me off. I’ve heard so many horror stories from women whose husbands or even just boyfriends are so insecure that they don’t want them to attract any other guy’s attention.

    Ironically, I feel more comfortable in short skirts than short shorts. I prefer skirts because they hide thigh flab, whereas short shorts tend to pinch it, especially while sitting down.

  13. erin – have you ever worn them under shorts? When I saw these pretty print ones, the gal in the store suggested wearing them under shorts, which to my mind just seems like it would look messy. She said it doesn’t look messy, it just looks layered. Thoughts?

  14. i’ve never tried that because i don’t wear shorts. not because i’m against shorts, but i just have never liked them. it’s weird and i really should get over it!

  15. I don’t know that you need to get over it – if you don’t like them, you don’t like them. There’s nothing wrong with that. πŸ™‚

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  17. People can wear whatever they want…forget the modesty or immodesty, because not everyone is an uptight, religious person.

  18. 13 years late but whatever.
    I disagree. Why should girls dress modestly to hwlp guys avoid sin? Are you saying that if i wear a mini skirt and some guy rapes me, its my fault for wearing a skirt? Or is it the guys fault he couldnt control himself? If a guy needs a girl to cover up to avoid sin, then he needs to work on self control. This is disgusting. Especially the women in the comments shaming older women for dressing how they want.

    1. Adele, thanks for taking the time to comment! Thirteen years on and I don’t disagree with you. I’m thankful for the ability to grow and change my opinions about things. Blessings!

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