What Spokane’s Only Fashion Blogger is Wearing

limited-too-sz-xl-smocked-top-green-khaki-skirt.JPG… to Musicfest Northwest tomorrow, the same thing I wore to church yesterday:

~ allover smocked print top, layered over tank top

~ green khaki skirt

~ asparagus shoes, or maybe I’ll throw caution to the wind and wear
Chaco – Women’s Casual

(my borns won’t be in for another week or more).

… Wednesday evening, to the Awana Leader Appreciation Dinner: I have absolutely no idea. But it will certainly not be very dressy.

bermudas-with-scarf-belt.JPG… this Friday, to the final MOPS meeting of the year: your favorite outfit from the white blouse fashion lab.

Why I want you to know I’m in Spokane:

  1. It explains why I’m so tired, and you might give me sympathy. Spokane is known as the Lilac City and now they are in bloom. No, I’m not tired from working hard, I have seasonal allergies.
  2. If you live here and you happen to run into me in the fitting room somewhere, I want you to feel quite comfortable asking my opinion.
  3. Are there any Spokane bloggers reading? And is anybody organizing any face to face meetings?

There you have it, what I had up my sleeve. Are you surprised?

15 thoughts on “What Spokane’s Only Fashion Blogger is Wearing”

  1. I really like the top outfit! So cute!

    So you are “out of the closet” so to speak and letting us know where you are-wow. I guess you aren’t worried about stalkers or anything eh? If I were closer you know I’d be heading over to grab a cup of coffee with you, but I think upstate NY is just a TAD to far away 🙂

    BTW-have you ever given a talk on how to dress at MOPs? You might offer it as a possible topic for next year. I know this year they asked me to speak on Frugality and saving money-and several of the ladies still ask me questions and talk about it (including the pastors wife who still tells me every single meeting how she never goes to Starbucks anymore since I added up how much money it would cost if you bought one every day for a year)

  2. Thanks Jenn. The top outfit is pretty old, but it’s a perennial favorite. I think I bought the top at Limited Too for my almost 18 yo when she was about 12; she liked it, but didn’t wear it much.

    Actually, each year at MOPS they bring a friend of mine in and she does a talk on how to dress. The first two years I was MOPPETS coordinator, there was no way I could also be the speaker. And my friend does an excellent job. Thanks for the idea, though.

  3. What’s so funny Danielle? he hee

    No. I just go to these events with my daughter who plays. 🙂

  4. Hey, I wondered if you were on the dry side. We spent 3 years in Tri-Cities, living in Richland and Kennewick. Great country out there.

  5. I graduated from Gonzaga this time last year, but I’ve moved to Los Angeles since–couldn’t stand all the snow.

    The bottom outfit with the long shorts is very cute and youthful. Nice!

  6. Tonya- I LOVE your blog! So happy you are blogging from Spokane: I think we have the best thrifting anywhere! If we run into each other out shopping, I hope we can meet in person. =D

    Btw, you don’t happen to be Tammy Rose’s friend, do you?

    Thanks for commenting! And you may have noticed that I am not blogging much anymore: I have been going to school (EWU) and volunteering in local theatre production (CYT). Underneath it all, I am working on developing some of my ideas from the blog into other formats.

    Anyway: delighted to meet you! Perhaps we can plan to get together some time. 🙂

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