Fleece Vest = Outerwear

(I have tried these links in every conceivable order and it still comes out like this. Since I am still geek-less, I invite any of you to tell me how to fix it. 🙂

Anyway, my point, and I do have one, is this: IMHO, a fleece vest looks like outerwear. When wearing it, you project the appearance of wearing a coat. In fact, almost all polar fleece gives off the same vibe — “I’m outdoors”.

I allow there are exceptions, but in general I wouldn’t wear it except for leisure activities. And never as shown, with a short sleeve t-shirt.

And, another thing. These kind of cotton t-shirt type turtlenecks are UNDERWEAR, especially when done in cutesy little prints. Together with a fleece vest, they could be a cute look for a sporting event or game night (WITH JEANS).

Just my opinion, but I thought you’d want to know.

4 thoughts on “Fleece Vest = Outerwear”

  1. Underwear! Oh dear, oh dear. Please do explain further. I have been rethinking what I want to wear to do household chores and quick errands on foot. Other than quite old ladies, which I am not yet, the prevailing look in my neighborhood is gangsta. I am not going there, either, but if you look too alien you are more likely to be harassed or mugged.

    I got rid of all my grungy, outworn clothing and started to replenish by adding 2 white fleece-lined sweat sets. The fleece because I can keep the thermostate lower and the hoodie is zip on and off for those hot flashes. The white because it brings me joy. Plus I have a shedding white dog and I had been given to wearing all black.

    But what to wear under the hoodie? I had just settled on a thin turtleneck layer of either black or white and felt pretty good about that but before I go out and buy a few of either thin cotton or a blend, what is the kind of layering turtleneck that in your view is NOT underwear? I eschew cutesy so that’s not an issue.

  2. Rebecca, my fleece vest = outerwear/inner outerwear! Now, I may occasionally put it on in the house as the seasons change and the furnace is weird. But it’s outerwear, or inner outerwear … the layer beneath the jacket.

  3. Vildy, I certainly don’t want you to get mugged!

    You get the idea that the turtleneck is for layering, that’s what I really meant by “underwear”. And to wear for household chores and quick errands on foot is perfect. In my opinion,if you have to take your jacket off because of a hot flash, that’s fine as long as the top is heavy enough to camouflage your undergarment.

    What I object to is the t-shirt weight turtleneck worn without something over it. It looks unfinished.

    What I prefer (for a turtleneck) is merino wool, silk, cashmere, or cotton ribbing. But maybe none of those work for you.

    Wendy, out here in the Great Northwest, I see fleece used as a sportcoat. Like with a dress shirt and tie. Aaaah.

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