8 thoughts on “How to be a Poser”

  1. hah I have a Guide to Elegance… somewhere.

    What I want to know is where this pigeon-toed stance that is endemic to Wardrobe Remix started

  2. Here’s a terrific posture tip that I do practice. Got it from Dancing with the Stars 🙂

    A celebrity contestant kept getting criticized by the judges for his posture. They wanted him to “open out” his chest. He thought he was. His professional dance partner saw he couldn’t do it and she told him to hold his arms out in front of him. Then she had him rotate his arms to the sides by rotating his shoulders! That did the trick. After you see how that feels, you can do it without having your arms in front.

  3. Yeah! I love it when I read a post and come across a link to my posts by surprise 🙂 Thanks so much for the link.

    I like what Christa said about not crossing one’s legs. Why do some women think that they are supposed to cross their legs? I remember that lady who got in trouble on the airplane for the skimpy outfit making a point about how she was crossing her legs. Now, I’m as guilty as anyone, but I at least know that crossing one’s legs in a short skirt is a bad idea. And the matriarchs of my family have made sure that I know that it’s not ladylike – or good for circulation.

  4. Isn’t it funny how the minute we start trying to think about how we are standing/posing it becomes so much more difficult? The arms and legs that felt natural seconds before are suddenly lumps of lead! Thanks for the links!

  5. I am so guilty of slouching, crossing my legs, leaning forward in pictures, and looking at the ground while walking…great reminders…now if only I can remember to USE the tips!

  6. Thanks so much for the links… I perpetually look like a goof in photos.
    Vildy: Despite being naturally a little pigeon toed, looking at those photos makes me gag! Who the heck decided that was an attractive stance?
    Jenna: I was trying to figure out what movie to watch tonight, but I think it’s going to be “To Catch a Thief”… maybe I’ll absorb some of Grace Kelly’s elegance.

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