Could you use more time in your life? Lately I have been experiencing growing pains in my lifestyle. On top of the household responsibilities I have been accustomed to fulfilling, I have been trying to create space for the following priorities:
- helping women achieve their personal style goals,
- building the muscle I am gonna need when I am a little old lady
- repurposing various areas of the house to better serve the Empty Nest season
Running in the background are these concepts I heard from Rory Vaden, author of Take the Stairs and Procrastinate on Purpose
. Basically, (click here for the official explanation) the idea is to focus on those activities which create more time. For example, consider #2 above: when I exercise in any given day, I typically get the time back immediately in sleep quality, and it is expected to multiply in longevity.
But, of course, it always comes back to how this applies to creating/curating the wardrobe and other elements of the personal style idiom. Because, when I became a Personal Style Coach, I kinda gave up the option to slack on getting myself ready as a way to gain time. I didn’t realize just how much I was relying on that one strategy! Lol.
Help me brainstorm!
- a ten item wardrobe
- hair requiring little to no styling. Oh yeah! Check 🙂
- making sure I have basics covered (“connectors”)
- capsule wardrobe
- dresses
- capsule of makeup and having an identical one in my gym bag
- Seche Vite Dry Fast Top Nail Coat
What else?