Year: 2008

Distinguishing Between the Figure-Eight and the Hourglass

Thank you, Vildy, for sending in the quote by Imogen Lamport, further clarifying this topic.  Updates in italics. In describing silhouettes, I like to use the following definitions: Type A (or triangle): shoulders < hips. Type I (or rectangle): shoulders = hips, waist less defined. Type O (or oval): sloped shoulders = hips, waist filled in. …

Distinguishing Between the Figure-Eight and the Hourglass Read More »

Reader Question: Are Longer Floral Dresses Hopelessly Dated?

The standard Closet Clean-out for a Woman in her ‘30s, at Wardrobe Oxygen, promises to “improve your reputation at work, your chances at finding a mate, and will actually make you look younger and more confident.” Aimed at the woman entering her 30s, who may even need to do her first major post-university closet purge, …

Reader Question: Are Longer Floral Dresses Hopelessly Dated? Read More »