I’m Okay Now, But Yesterday Was Really Bad

Whenever I see a blogger write an apology-for-not-posting post, I always think, “well, it’s her blog, she shouldn’t have to apologize … and probably nobody cares anyway”. Well, I know the nobody caring part is not strictly true. But you know what I mean.

I wish I knew exactly what happened. I think it was something like this:

shoveling snow + time + shopping for upholstered furniture (lots of sitting and standing) + more time + holding open the back hatch on the Jeep while furniture is being loaded + time on an ice pack + a long walk wearing my Sorels = serious lower back blowout!

I’m not certain when the last time I posted was, but I intentionally took a few days off to spend extra time with my husband at New Years. Time we spent furniture shopping. Wednesday morning, though, he went back to work; I was back to my normal routine. Or so I thought. It became painfully obvious, when I sat down in the car to drive to the nail salon for a fill Wednesday morning, that it was not a good idea for me to go anywhere alone. Yesterday (Thursday) it took me until two o’clock in the afternoon to make it to the bathroom.

Thanks to ice and two ibuprofen every five hours, today I have achieved such major accomplishments as: getting dressed while it was still dark out (if yoga pants count), making it to the bathroom on my own multiple times, a shower (although I have yet to attempt washing the hair), and washing a few dishes. Not to mention some reading and several naps.

Sometime on Wednesday I updated my facebook status and this is really the first time I’ve been online since. I’ve got lots of what-to-wear-and-why ideas going around in my head, though.

Now that I’m off to sit on an ice pack again, what have you been up to this year?

10 thoughts on “I’m Okay Now, But Yesterday Was Really Bad”

  1. Feel better fast!

    Here, I confess, as Swim Camp was the 27th-31st, I’m still finding my equilibrium. 😉 My 2008 achievements so far have been minimal (unless you count shovelling, shovelling, and shovelling — and the Mountain of Laundry I conquered). However, today I plan to (a) go to the bank (b) begin the hunt for new bras (that always strikes dread into my heart). Necessary Evils! 😉

  2. Rebecca- I have been thinking of you lately! That must have been God telling me to pray! Don’t you love how He brings people mind when they ar ein need of prayer! I hhope you are feeling better soon! sorry for typos I have a baby on my lap!

  3. OUCH! I hope you feel much, much better soon! {{hugs}}

    I shoveled snow on Wednesday after we got ANOTHER 18 inches and ended up with a major fibro flare up as well. I soo feel your pain! That said, I’m human again today and should be able to re-start cleaning up the marble dust from the new floor DH & FIL put down while I was tending brain tumors in December. The floor is gorgeous! The dust is sooo not.

    Anyhow, I’ll start back on the dust after I finish my new flannel nightgown! 😀

    Try to enjoy your weekend…

  4. I sympathize with the back pain! Having never had a bad back, when I started having mysterious pain I immediately let my inner hypochondriac convince me it was kidney stones. The kind, middle-aged female doctor I saw smiled and said, “Honey, we’re at the age when being out of shape leads to these kinds of things. You need exercise and you need it fast.” She gave me some great, simple back-strengthening routines and a clear warning about not being 25 anymore!

    I wish I could say that the new year has brought me fun fabric adventures (like clothing) but alas, all I’ve done is emergency laundry after the cat peed on the bed. On my big Christmas gift, a new duvet cover. Yuck-o.

    Oh, I did pull out my steel grey stretch velvet long-sleeved but cocktail length skirt party dress for New Year’s eve. (I mentioned this dress on your post about your daughter’s formal wear dilemmas.) I wore it with dark tights and nice black boots, kept toasty warm, and thought I looked pretty hip for a middle aged gal with back issues 🙂 That dress is almost 20 years old and still going strong. I did finally remove the little shoulder pads to modernize it a bit.

  5. Yikes! Hope you feel better. I have had back issues before and it is no fun. I seriously need to find a chiropractor here, as I really do much better when I see one every month or two.

    This year I have been back at work, started counting calories (not really dieting, but it has the effect of helping me eat less), and enjoying a series of house guests. On the last day of the year, we sold our house (finally) so our next fun thing this year is buying the house we live in.

    I’ve been wearing a lot of sweaters, tights with skirts, and cords. But I got a new “ski jacket” (silver-blue) that I think looks pretty cool for a middle-aged lady.

  6. Hope you’re feeling better soon, Rebecca. We’re sitting around a lot here too, only not because we’re in pain. We made a goal to watch a movie every day of vacation! Lofty isn’t it??

    So, between that, and the Lost marathon my husband and boys are having (getting through seasons 1-3 before the end of January), and playing board games, we are doing a lot of… sitting around. It’s been a wonderful, much-needed break before school starts again.

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