Are You a Builder or an Editor?

What I mean by the question “are you a builder or an editor?” is

  • Are you the type of person who buys alot of clothes, but needs help knowing what to keep and what to toss (and maybe how to put it together)? If so, you may be a builder.
  • OR

  • Is it easy for you to see what isn’t working and get rid of it, except for the fact that eventually you would be left with nothing to wear? If this is you, you may be an editor.

Lately I have been thinking about the best place for my clients to start in their process of discovering their signature style. One school of thought would be to start with the color analysis, which begins with a consultation in my home studio after which the individualized palette is made in California and shipped to the client. This starting point very much fits the editor, the minimalist, and the individual with a strong sense of what shapes and styles she likes to wear – almost a uniform, so to speak.

Knowing what styles I would recommend is mentioned by about half of people who express interest in image consulting services. Usually these ladies have larger wardrobes. Is it too great a leap to draw the conclusion that a builder may want to start with a closet consultation? My initial closet consultations include a style line analysis.

Obviously (or perhaps not), both of these services necessitate us being in the same space physically. For distance clients, though, just the style line analysis provides 126 gallons (the hero recently discovered in an old, old engineering manual the unit of measurement “butt” – so, a “buttload” is not what you think) of valuable information about the shapes and proportions that work best for you. Now, thanks to a suggestion from a lovely client, I will also include a brief follow-up call. Because, truthfully, the style line analysis is alot of technical information to absorb.

If you could have one free service, which would you choose? Btw, have you heard of eshakti? I know regular readers of this blog have, but I have been surprised how many of my friends and acquaintances irl haven’t. Register now and get $25 OFF your first order. Free Customization of your first order!

2 thoughts on “Are You a Builder or an Editor?”

  1. Which would we choose of style line analysis versus color analysis? I think probably the style line analysis. Color is relatively simple to parse given that any clothes I might acquire will have to be chosen from the limited color options currently in vogue to both coordinate with my existing wardrobe ad compliment my personal coloring.

    1. That is such a good point! I have been reading about some of the ladies who have had an IRL consultation with David Zyla and it is starting to come out that, no matter how much they love their limited palette, finding clothes in the colors is easier said than done.

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