Once upon a time, all we needed to know was which of the four seasonal color theory designations we fit into and voila – our own packet of 30 colors! Never mind all the other people who had all the exact same colors we had.
Trouble was, many had a hard time figuring out their season. Like me. With the high contrast of a Winter and the muted coloring of Autumn or Summer, the only season nobody ever thought I might be was Spring. Until today, when I did this Blogthing:
You Are Spring! |
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Here, for Bonnie, is a re-cap of some key color choosing principles I’ve blogged in the past:
- How to wear any color: wear it in combination with a color that will emphasize your most dominant color characteristic.
- Your most flattering color combinations will be those that mimic, maybe not precisely, the way your personal coloring combines colors.
- Iรขโฌโขm working on the idea that each person has a family of colors they can draw from freely: most people look great in their eye color, although I use my hemoglobin color (that is the reds present in the skin).
- For bottoms, neutrals are easy; for jackets and sweaters, I like to use the color of the individual’s hair.
One thing I may never have said: don’t stress out too much about being precise about everything. If I say it here, the intent is to make life easier, not harder.
Hi Rebecca. Thanks for visiting my blog and commenting today. Yours looks fab–I’m going to stay a while and read : )
Welcome LC! It’s fun to meet someone close in age. ๐
I finally gave in after reading this post and took a pic of me in an outfit (well, half of me..LOL)and put on my site.. I love the color combo thing…
by the way, it says I’m a fall ๐
my assessment said fall and I have always been a summer…. how strange.
Thanks Rebecca! You even linked to me (aww!). I love the color combo on Sallie’s post. That’s what I love to wear, too. And seeing her brings up another technical question.
I am nursing and have a very large bust (about every other year it seems. I think I’ve been pregnant or nursing for the last few years;). Anyhow, my waist is smaller than my bust, so when I try on jackets they generally look too big- but they’ll button. If I choose the more fitted look, they won’t button. What would you suggest?
First of all, I wouldn’t take this blogthing seriously at all, in terms of seasonal color – I mainly posted it for its limited potential for amusement. *snicker*
And, Sallie, thanks for posting a picture! That is a great color combo. Getting inspiration from creation is a wonderful way to come up with color combinations.
Bonnie, you are not alone! That is a common problem around here – not my house, the blog! – I think we have quite a few nursing mothers. Anyway, Clinton and Stacy would say you should go for the jacket you can button and then have it tailored.
What happens if you get a jacket that will button and then wear it buttoned? Does it still look big? It’s the rare jacket that looks good both open and closed (the top one in this post works for me), most of the time it seems like one or the other is a compromise. So I usually end up wearing my jackets buttoned.
Another thought: Do the new, shorter (waist length or above) jackets call too much attention to your bust? That might be a look to try, but certainly use a low-contrast color combination, preferably something a little on the dark or muted side. What Sallie was wearing would be fine.
Don’t consider this a complete answer. I’d love to hear from others on this question. ๐
Hmmm, I *never* button jackets. I must’ve heard from our friends, Clinton & Stacy that I shouldn’t buy one that I can’t button. They look big either way.
About the short jackets, I have one now, in a nice chocolatey color, but I haven’t figured out how to make it work :] My husband said it would look nice if I were 4’7…hmmmm
BTW, I was a spring! I do love the spring, but I also love the fall and have always been told I was one. (of course there is no fall in Tucson. Same ol’ green cactus & brown dirt.)
Hmmm is right!
More on this topic to come, I’m sure. ๐
Hey, I was thinking the same thing the other day — in regards to what colors look good on my baby, and I think he’s a summer. I was told I was a summer, then an autumn — but I really think I’m a spring too.
I just want you to know that I enjoy reading this site, and because I see that you’re as interested in color and style as we are, I would like to invite you to our color board
You’re welcome,
Hi Ineke! Thank you so much for the kind invitation.
I must confess that I haven’t done well with forums and message boards, having never mastered the navigational peculiarities. The rest of my family, and many readers here, are familiar and comfortable with them, but I suppose I have spent my technical adaptive energy learning to blog.
Perhaps someday that will change and you will see me at your color board. I can’t imagine a topic I would rather discuss in any format. ๐
Ack.you don’t seriously mean I should wear a jacket to match my red hair? Rust or orange truly look terrible on most redheads, and while red can work, it’s hard to build a wardrobe on it.
I’m sure it has to do with each individual’s skin coloring, etc. My red-headed daughter (more auburn, very light pink skin) likes to wear orange, but seriously avoids red.
Within my idiom, I might use brown or teal, if I had red hair. Of course, if I had red hair, it would be long gone by now anyway, and I’d be in the same spot I’m in now only, when I saw myself in my mind I would be a redhead, not a brunette! LOL
Thanks for bringing up the point, Sandra.