What changes when you gray

Perhaps not surprisingly, I talk to a lot of people who are interested in letting their hair go natural. Or so they say 😉

Recently, I have nailed down some of the concepts in dressing that change when your hair is gray. Of course, it does make a difference what gray you have. That, parenthetically, is the apparent reason so many women lack the confidence to let their hair go gray: they have no idea what color that will be. Then they discuss it with the hairdresser, who has an obvious interest in continuing to color. She says, “not yet (insert excuse)”. Not to say there aren’t reasons.

One critical compositional concept to keep in mind whenever you change your hair color value:

Repeating the color value at the other end of your composition, in this case the shoes, allows the eye to continue to move around the composition without getting stuck and make it back to your face, the focus of your look.

2 thoughts on “What changes when you gray”

  1. I’m interested in this concept. I’ve gotten a tiny bit of white hair coming into my dark blonde/light brown hair. I do not, and will not, color it. I’m thinking this will eventually result in lighter and cooler coloring – I’m already light and cool – but I don’t know what to do with that knowledge.

  2. They say that coloring often gets softer and cooler, but not always. Carla’s has gotten warmer. Mine has gotten brighter, I think, although I don’t really count all the years I thought I had muted coloring 😉

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