MBTI Style: The Traditionalist (SJ)

If N’s are “intuitive” and tend toward the imaginative, S’s are “sensory” and tend toward the established.  SJs are the “classics”.  Also sometimes called Guardians, they invariably display their good judgment by choosing to wear what is appropriate and in good taste.  Their outfits are understood.  SJs show their creativity through their use of accessories.

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Within the limits of her budget, the SJ looks like the displays in the stores in which her peer groups shop.  NJs can look similar. (Of course, there are many reasons for the wardrobe choices people make, personality is only one.)

A few years ago, I went to a Sunday afternoon business event in nearby Coeur d’Alene, Idaho.  Being Sunday afternoon, the female co-owners of the business were both casually dressed. But, in my mind, one looked like ESFJ and the other like ENFJ.  The difference? Both were perfectly appropriate and well-dressed; but one wore the day’s most popular styles, and the other looked a little bit “North Idaho” with cargo pockets and a sporty scarf.

To be clear, I hope these definitions to be helpful suggestions, not diagnostic tools. In other words, a person who lacked confidence or didn’t know what to wear could get an idea or direction by identifying their personality type and applying the suggestions. This person would probably NOT be an SJ 😉


2 thoughts on “MBTI Style: The Traditionalist (SJ)”

  1. My ISFJ sister is definitely a classic, traditional dresser and it works very well for her. It took me years to come out from her “style shadow” and begin going off in my own direction.

  2. Pingback: The Space Between My Peers » MBTI Style: The Experiencer (SP)

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